The 2025 Ohio State Law Fair will be
Tuesday October 7
from 11:00am-2:00pm!
Students - go to Handshake to pre-register
clicking on the link above will leave this website and take you to the Handshake event page
Join over 100 law schools and legal education exhibitors from around the country at the 2025 Ohio State Law Fair! This event is open to the public - all Ohio State students and alumni, students and alumni from other schools around Ohio, and even those traveling from out-of-state are welcome to attend the law fair as well as the related workshops and forums. The fair itself will take place at the Ohio Union located at 1739 North High Street in Columbus, one block north of the Michael E. Moritz College of Law.
The 2025 Ohio State Law Fair affords potential applicants and law school representatives the opportunity to talk about what each school can offer in terms of an education and experience. Whether you are a new first-year student, a sophomore or junior unsure about whether you want to apply to law school, a senior in the middle of the application process, or an alum considering returning to the classroom, all are welcome to attend to learn more about the benefits of a legal education as well as what law schools look for in their applicants.
"24 Hours of Law" - workshops on October 6 and 7
Be sure to check out the Events Calendar on this website this Autumn for information about Pre-Law 101 and other workshops in Autumn semester, as well as everything happening in the "24 Hours of Law" before and after the fair, October 6-7. Events include:
- Ohio Law School Admissions Panel
- "How to Pay for Law School" presented by AccessLex
- "Navigating LSAC Resources" presented by the Law School Admissions Council
- "Mock Law School Admissions Review Session" conducted by a panel of law school deans of admissions
Pre-Law Resources at the Fair
In addition to all the law schools and exhibitors, several Ohio State pre-law and related resources will be available to connect with including:
- "Ask a Law Student" with students from our two in-town law schools discussing law school from the law student perspective.
- "On the Spot Pre-Law Advising" with Ohio State pre-law advisors ready to answer your questions.
- "Pre-Law at Oxford" and "Washington Academic Internship Program" staff answering questions about these off-campus opportunities.
- Student Legal Services staff available to discuss their resources and how they work with Ohio State's student community.
- Student leaders from Ohio State's pre-law student organizations.
Are you prepared?
Attending a Law Fair requires more preparation than simply knowing when (11am-2pm) and where (Ohio Union Ballroom) the event is taking place. Depending on your year and how far away you are from applying to law school, there are different steps you can take to be as prepared as possible so that you gain as much as possible from the experience.
Not sure how to talk with law schools or vendors at a law fair? Depending on your year and how far out you are from applying, here are some quick tips...
First and second year students are invited to take it all in - pick up literature from schools you think might interest you and listen to some of the questions upper-class students are asking (and the answers they are getting). Be sure to identify yourself as a first or second year student so they know you're not someone who has applied or is about to. Feel free to engage law school representatives with questions of your own; if you are the only person at a table you can get away with slightly more general questions such as "what would you suggest students look for in a law school?" but they are not there to guide you through the process generally, they're there to talk about their law school specifically. Be mindful of any line forming behind you - you have every right to be there and to ask questions, but don't monopolize a representative's time.
Juniors should use the fair as a resource to figure out what you are looking for in a legal education and to start identifying which schools interest you. Be sure to do some preliminary research on schools you think you might apply to, but also feel free to stop by any law school table randomly. Identify yourself as a Junior and let them know if you plan to apply to law school next year or take time off, and if you're honestly not sure, let them know that as well. Questions should be focused on the school and their opportunities, though asking for their insights and advice is fine. Again, they're not there to guide you through the process, but most law reps want to encourage students to be the best candidate possible.
Seniors and alumni should use the fair as you need to. If you are in the process of applying, try to stop by each school you're applying to and introduce yourself. Let the law rep know you are an applicant (or are about to be). All law schools track all connections with students, whether it's via email, phone call, or in-person contact, as one way to gauge a student's interest. Ask questions designed to help you make your decision should you be accepted, but also try to ask questions that invite them to ask about you: "what makes someone a competitive candidate for your school?" could give you an opportunity to talk about your background and experiences. A Law Fair is not a proper interview, but it's still an opportunity for the school to get a quick read of who you are.
For all attendees regardless of year, do not do a "fly-by" - do not walk to a table, pause just long enough to pick up literature, and then walk on without talking to the law school representative. While the literature might be nicely packaged, chances are you can find everything on their website that is in the literature. The point of the law fair is to engage with law school representatives. If they are talking with someone, stop for a moment to listen to the conversation and pick up insights. If they are not talking with someone, stop and chat! And if you've run out of time and you're hurrying to class, take a few seconds and be honest about it and ask for a card so you can follow up with your questions later (but don't interrupt if they're talking with someone else).
While there is no required dress code for the Law Fair, consider that as you present yourself to law schools you are creating what in many cases will be the law school's first impression of you (most law school reps take notes on everyone they meet). It may sound old-fashioned, but a career in law is one of representation - how you present yourself reflects not only on you but on your client and your firm/agency/company (or in this case your classmates and your school). The suggested attire below is based on what Ohio State students have typically worn to the law fair in past years.
FIRST YEARS AND SOPHOMORES - business casual aka "informal professional". A polo or dress shirt or blouse are common, along with dress pants, khakis, or a skirt. Jeans are fine, stay away from t-shirts and shorts. No need to wear a suit.
JUNIORS - either a suit or something between business casual and business professional. Sport coats/jackets, dressy sweaters, etc. all work.
SENIORS/ALUMNI - a business suit or comparable professional outfit if possible. If you do not have a suit, think "job interview appropriate".
FOR ANY/ALL STUDENTS - check with your college's career services office for any ideas on where to find low-cost wardrobe options and if there are any "Career Closet" types of events coming up.
The following are based on recommendations by Janet Hein, Director of Admissions at the Indiana University Maurer School of Law:
- Research which schools will be attending.
- Have at least 3 questions prepared for schools you want to talk with (pointed questions that reflect you did your research on each school).
- Do not be too familiar (treat the representatives with professional respect).
- Be calm and pointed in asking questions.
- Actively listen to the representative (do not just wait for your turn to talk).
- Be respectful of the representative’s time (they would like to talk to as many students at they can).
AFTER THE FAIR, email a thank you to each representative that you talk to (within 24 hours). Protocol for emails:
- Use Mr./Ms. or the representative's title (Dean, e.g.).
- Do not use foul language (not even casually).
- Be patient for a response.
- Treat your email as if it were a writing sample.
- Be precise and concise in your message.
- Do not bombard them with too many emails.
Ohio State students and alumni are eligible to participate the Law Fair raffle to win one of several prizes! A list of what will be given away will be announced at the law fair if not before. Past prizes have ranged from Target gift cards to full LSAT Preparation courses!
Entering the raffle requires nothing more than engaging with some of the representatives at the Law Fair. All attendees will be given a raffle card when they check in - as you talk with law schools and the legal resource tables (LSAT, AccessLex, test prep companies, etc.) they will give you a sticker for your raffle card. Fill up the card and turn it in to enter the raffle. Winners will be announced near the end of the Law Fair at 1:45pm - must be present to win!
For funding reasons some raffle prizes may be limited to only Ohio State students and alumni.
Whether you're coming from somewhere in Columbus or elsewhere across the state, use the following information to get to Ohio State's campus and the Ohio Union building. Parking is available in the Parking Garage - Ohio Union South facility, located immediately north of the Ohio Union.
- Click here for a Google Maps link to the Ohio Union located at 1739 North High Street in Columbus. This not an Ohio State resource.
- Ohio Union information (includes a link to an interactive campus map)
- Parking Garage - Ohio Union South information (includes a link to an interactive campus map)