Join us for the 2025 Ohio State Law Fair!
Tuesday October 7th from 11am-2pm
Ohio Union Archie M. Griffin Grand Ballroom
Law School and Exhibitor Details
We will be looking for student volunteers to help the day of the Fair! Watch for details and a sign-up Genius in the weekly newsletter this fall - it's a great way to network while helping your fellow students. Volunteers will receive a $10 Target gift card and a small treat as a thank you!
The 2025 Ohio State Law Fair will feature 100+ law schools, exhibitors, speakers, and other resources from around the country. All events the week of the law fair are free and open to the public including all Ohio State students and alumni!
To get the most out of the law fair and to see overviews for each law school attending, students are encouraged to pre-register using their handshake account; free registration will also be available the day of the Law Fair at the check-in table for any students who do not pre-register and for any attendees who are not Ohio State students. All attendees are also encouraged to attend any of the pre- and post- law fair workshops listed below.
Date TBD
Time TBD - Pre-Law 101 "Law School Admissions and Timeline"
Location TBD
Mon Oct 6
6:00pm - Law School Deans of Admissions Panel
Featuring Deans of Admission from several national law schools
Location TBA
Tue Oct 7
10:00am - "How to Pay for Law School"
Presented by AccessLex
Ohio Union Senate Chamber
Tue Oct 7
2:00pm - Navigating LSAC Resources
Presented by the Law School Admission Council
Ohio Union Senate Chamber
Tue Oct 7
3:30pm - Law School Mock Admissions Review
Featuring Admission Deans from law schools TBD
Ohio Union Senate Chamber
Date TBA
Time TBA - "Life After Law School" Attorney Panel Discussion
Presenters TBA
Location TBA
Use the links below or in the right-hand menu to learn more about the 2025 Ohio State Law Fair.