Columbus, the state capital and largest city in Ohio, is home to a thriving legal community. As extensive as that community may be, there are hundreds of opportunities for OSU students to explore related interests abroad, including two that are popular with pre-law students:
Oxford Pre-Law Program
"The Ohio State University and the University of Oxford have partnered since 1993 to offer their Summer Pre-Law Program at the University of Oxford in Oxford, England. The program, which is the oldest overseas pre-law program in existence, takes place from late June to late July every year. It is generally known that the American legal system developed out of Great Britain’s legal system, and the strong influence of English law is still apparent in our system of law. Studying in a university that, for some 900 years, has had a major role in developing the current Anglo-American legal system, is valuable preparation for students who are contemplating studying law in America. In addition, we specifically devote time to helping pre-law students hone the skills necessary for success in American law schools." - Moritz College of Law
Washington Academic Internship Program
"The John Glenn College of Public Affairs offers an exciting opportunity for Ohio State students to study and work in the nation's capital. The Washington Academic Internship Program selects outstanding undergraduates from any major to spend a semester in Washington, D.C., as John Glenn Fellows. Students work in field placements that reflect their particular areas of academic interest. While in Washington, John Glenn Fellows remain fully registered Ohio State students. Students earn academic credit hours for their internship, the research seminar in which a policy paper is developed, and a course on policymaking and public service in the Washington community. Students will deepen their understanding of policy issues through weekly policy salons with experts. Friday study tours each week will also allow students to explore and experience different aspects of Washington. Participants in the program meet policy professionals and interact with Ohio State alumni in the region. This interaction has value far beyond the semester in which the students are involved in the program. Real opportunities are presented for career advice, professional development, and cross-generational exchange." - John Glenn College of Public Affairs
In addition to these popular programs Ohio State students are adept at seeking out opportunities on their own, often selecting an Education Abroad program that is tangentially related to their pre-law interests, evertything from environmental policy to banking to health care. Click here for the Office of Education Abroad website.