Pre-Law Student Organizations

There are several options for those looking to get involved with pre-law student organizations on campus - all welcome any interested student.  Most have an open membership process however Mock Trial has a selection process that includes a competitive tryout.

Phi Alpha Delta (PAD) Pre-Law Fraternity

"The purpose of [Phi Alpha Delta] shall be to form a strong bond uniting students and teachers of the law with members of the Bench and Bar in a fraternal fellowship designed to advance the ideals of liberty and equal justice under law; to stimulate excellence in scholarship; to inspire the virtues of compassion and courage; to foster integrity and professional competence; to promote the welfare of its members; and to encourage their moral integrity." - PAD Purpose Statement

*PAD is not a Greek Life fraternity - it is an extra-curricular interest group open to any/all Ohio State students regardless of gender.

Undergraduate Black Law Students Association (UBLSA)

"The purpose of the Undergraduate Black Law Student Association is to cultivate and foster the needs and interests of the diverse pre-law community at the Ohio State University through meetings and events focused on connections with legal professionals as well as preparation for the demands of the law school and the admission process." - UBLSA Purpose Statement

Civil Alliance

"Our goal [for Civil Alliance] is to give pre-law students the opportunity to create change within our surrounding community, get experience in the law field, and bring awareness to the organization Legal Aid Society of Columbus (LASC)." - Civil Alliance Purpose Statement

Women in Law

"The purpose of the Women in Law undergraduate organization is to provide a supportive and inclusive community for undergraduate women interested in pursuing careers in law. Through networking events, mentorship programs, academic resources, and discussions on relevant topics, we aim to empower members to excel academically, professionally, and personally. Our organization seeks to foster a diverse and equitable legal profession by promoting the advancement of women in pre-law studies and preparing them for success in their future legal careers." - Women in Law Purpose Statement

Ohio Innocence Project Collegiate Chapter

"[The purpose of Ohio Innocence Project is to] prevent Wrongful Conviction by promoting awareness of its existence on College Campuses and to generate student and community support for the Ohio Innocence Project, and its efforts to remedy Wrongful Convictions." - Ohio Innocence Project partial Purpose Statement

Mock Trial

"The purpose of the Undergraduate student Mock Trial is to replicate all aspects of the legal process. Student will learn how to prepare witnesses for trial and how to portray them at trial. Student attorneys will also learn to prepare witness examinations and statements for trial and the rule of evidence and procedure used in actual courtrooms. All of this preparation is tested at invitational and regional competitions. To test our performances, Mock Trial must travel to invitational tournaments in Ohio and neighboring states. These tournaments allow students to perform the materials they’ve prepared for months and be critiqued by attorney judges. Mock Trial provides students with valuable experience in preparing for trial and being in the courtroom. Secondary purposes of Mock Trial are to: Establish a group of students interested in attending Law school or law-related professions and to increase interactions between undergraduate students and the OSU Law School." - Mock Trial Purpose Statement

While the groups above are closely tied to the field of law, pre-law students can be found in many of the more than 1400 Ohio State student organizations across campus.  

Click here for the complete Student Activities Directory.