Law is nothing if not reading. Think you can catch everything in a phrase or know when words are signaling important concepts? Can you tell if someone has broken the law just by skimming the text of the law? Join us for this interactive and mentally engaging workshop as we explore and figure out what it means to read for detail (aka "close reading") using the socratic method, an improbable fact pattern, and a touch of absurdist humor. Must be willing to talk - sitting quietly in the back doesn't work in law school and won't work in this session.
Pre-Law 201 Workshops are open to all Ohio State students, all years, all majors.
For second-year students this event counts as a STEP Professional Development Co-Curricular (PDC) - go to the STEP website to pre-register (required for STEP PDC credit)
For all other students including second-year students who are not seeking STEP credit, go to Handshake to pre-register (recommended but not required).