Lawyers increasingly use advanced information tech as tools in their practice of law - document review, jury selection, and the use of generative AI (e.g. ChatGPT) to name a few. On the flip side AI and data/information are increasingly the focus of legal conflicts and regulatory action - witness the strikes in Hollywood, lawsuits over AI-created misinformation, etc. Simply put, AI and data ethics will be to your generation of lawyers what email and search engines were to the last one.
Whether you are a Political Science major who knows you will need some familiarity with all of this, a CSE or Data Analytics major looking for different career pathways, or anyone interested in law, come learn from the experts about what to expect, and more importantly, how to position yourself to be successful while in college!
Pre-registration is recommended (though not required) at
This workshop is open to all Ohio State students, all years, all majors. Bring your questions!